Bowen Therapy
What is Bowen Therapy and How Will Help Me?
Bowen Therapy often called The Bowen Technique, is a gentle soft tissue therapy provided at Svahj Stone Alternative, Complimentary & Holistic Wellbeing Service in Bradford West Yorkshire that does not use adjustment or manipulation to gain results.
Your Bowen Technique therapist combines a series of anatomically placed moves to ensure that the connective tissue which surrounds all organs and muscles in the body is relaxed and the muscles are working in the correct combination and length. With the structure balanced, function will follow.
The Bowen Technique is anatomically one of the most fascinating bodywork therapies available.
Focus is often on full contact from a therapist to a patient, whether it is an adjustment, massage, manipulation, muscle stretching or machines.
Bowen Technique however, focuses on something much more subtle – the brain’s ability to sort out its own problems and functional errors with the correct cues.
How does the treatment work?
Your Bowen Technique practitioner will make gentle non-invasive moves across very particular areas of muscles, ligaments, tendons and connective tissue aiming to carefully trigger particular nerve endings.
These nerve endings are involved with the tension of muscles which hold us in correct alignment.
When this function is compromised by physical injury, poor posture, emotional injury or constant stress, symptoms often follow. These can range from a “bad back”, stiffness, actual joint injury, headaches, asthma, irritable bowel, whiplash and many others.
Bowen Therapy connects the brain directly to the area of a problem and allows an assessment of the tension in a specific muscle and surrounding tissue.
When the work is left for periods of rest whereby the practitioner may occasionally leave the room to allow the body to respond, re-balancing and re-aligning itself. This immediate relaxation of a muscle is often seen in clinic and can create relief in a very short period of time.
The practitioner’s skill is knowing which muscles and tendons to treat to create the landslide response that brings back function; rather like following a piece of string back through the forest to home, or knocking down a row of dominoes.
Download The Little Book of Bowen for more ‘technical’ information.
How will Bowen Therapy help me?
Our personal experience shows that Bowen can often help with:
neck pain
back pain
shoulder, elbow and wrist pain
hip, knee and ankle pain
sport or work related injuries
tension induced problems
general relaxation and body balancing
promotion of health and well-being